Product or Service

Complementary communications and technology services

Profile: Service provider|Ref:PSL 356547YH | Country: France | Export: No


Complementary services: Messaging collaborative Exchange, Sharepoint, Lync, backup, security, outsourcing...
- mailbox 2 to 25 GB
- information sharing (calendar, contact and email). Delegation of mailbox.
- access via e-mail client, Outlook Web Access or mobile device (Smartphone, Blackberry, Iphone, PDA, Tablet).
- Anti virus and anti spam included
- commitment of availability 99.7%

- storage and indexing of documents
- full Integration with hosted Exchange
offer-full Integration with the suite Office and Outlook
- custom handling of document libraries
offline access - access
Server and Windows workstation backup
management - environment Windows. Portal of supervision.
- backup (continuous data protection) hot or cold. Encryption of data prior to sending to the remote backup.
- complete management by the client of its backup policy (weekly, monthly, yearly...)
- de-duplication for backup space saving, optimization of flows for the sending of the blocks (incremental backup)
- daily reports by possible without extra cost
mail - redundancy of data stored on two datacenters geographically remote and located in France.
accompaniment on a daily basis in the management of infrastructure.


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