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ICT (information and Communication Technologies), know you take advantage?

ICT (information and Communication Technologies), know you take advantage? [size = 2]Are we really aware?
It is a real revolution that one we live with the internet and technologies deriving therefrom. A revolution similar to what resulted in the discovery of printing by Gutenberg that allowed rapid and almost infinite written reproduction. Can we imagine that before him, the only books in circulation were recopied by hand by monks? This is the same effect that makes internet in our lives.[/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 4]A new world of opportunities [/ size] [/ color]
[size = 2]Today, nearly half of the world's population would have access to the internet, which largely via mobile phone, nearly 4 billion people. We can consider that almost all of the assets — those that interest us, in a context of B2B, is connected, therefore reachable.
This new world can be as full of opportunities, because all Internet users (B2B) is either a client or a supplier or an agent, short, a potential business partner.
While it is generally recognized that information and Communication (ICT) Technologies are tools which facilitate the life of business everyday people and give them to new business opportunities, unclear still what are ICTs and what they have changed.[/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 4]What is the Information and Communication technologies?[/ size][/ color]
[size = 2]Everyone talks about, but do we really know what it is? Techniques of Information and Communication or TICs are all of the resources necessary for the manipulation of information. I.e. technologies which are used to treat the information to facilitate its use, convert it, store it, manage it, transmit it and find her.
We use every day these TICs without even realise. We use, as private individuals, when we check our emails when we buy a train ticket, when we go to the Pharmacy and aussiquand we fill our have![/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 4]What are ICTs?[/ size][/ color]
[size = 2]As a first step, the use of ICTs has simplified the information processing: followed orders, customers, automation of repetitive acts... Everything being automated, it is now very easy to find an invoice, a client or track a shipment.
In a second time, TICs were much used for research and dissemination of information. Today, information is available everywhere, in real time. From his phone, tablet or his computer, it is possible to see the weather, to compare the prices of the products you want to buy, to learn about a company, order and pay online, check his bank account...[/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 4]The first use of ICTs: the e-commerce site [/ size] [/ color]
[size = 2]In the business environment, the 1st use of ICTs is the site of presentation or shop with order and payment online.
Companies have everything to gain to be present on the web. Even those who only have a clientele of proximity: a plumber, a hairdressing salon, a physiotherapist, a landscaper, a consultant...[/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 4]Today, how is it looking a supplier?[/ size][/ color]
[size = 2]The vast majority will tap on an internet search engine. And, between the company which, with its site, can introduce themselves, talk about his accomplishments, describe its products and services, do testify its customers and another featuring just an address and a phone number in the yellow pages, the choice can be quickly made.
With geotagging proposed anywhere on the search engines, on the electronic directories... Nearby merchants can enjoy a beautiful visibility and attract to them far more visitors than their competitors without internet.[/ size]

[color = #3366cc][size = 2]However, only 4 10 enterprises with less than 10 employees have a website...?[/ size][/ color]

[size = 2]To facilitate the use of information technology in SMEs. For our member companies, we combine several tools to simply operate the NICT.
If you want to start to take advantage of the TICs, you should consider our offer of free website for members.
No technical skills required, everything is already preconfigured and just follow the online instructions. If texts and photos are ready, an hour just for that site either complete and visible on the internet. A detailed manual is provided for the administration of the site, and a marketing guide, giving the necessary concepts for its referencing and its promotion.[/ size]
[size = 2]If you sell at retail, [url = http://www.golden-trade.com/cnt/gt/index_iu.php?p=SC0001] Click here to create your online [/ url] sale.[/ size]
[size = 2]If you sell to professionals, [url = http://www.golden-trade.com/cnt/gt/index_iu.php?p=BC0001] Click here to create your e-business site [/ url].[/ size]